Welcome To The Source!

Why TecNec Distributing is the Ultimate Wholesale
Source Exclusively for Dealers & Resellers...

TecNec Distributing is a value-added distributor that specializes in serving professional audio/visual integrators, dealers, and consultants with distribution services, specialized channel management, dealer training, systems support and brand development expertise.

As America's leading pro AV, broadcast & pro-audio products distributor, we're focused on providing only quality products from the most reputable manufacturers.


More than 300 of the hottest product lines for pro audio and video equipment, supplies and accessories from one source. A single purchase point saves you time, money and paperwork! No matter what your outsourcing needs, TecNec Distributing can help you dramatically cut supply chain costs, while enhancing service to your customers.


Our super competitive pricing is almost always the same as vendor direct pricing without the hassle of vendor minimums, vendor opening orders, vendor credit issues and inventory commitments.


We work with our resellers to prepare everything needed to put quotes together to help you win bids and make more money!


Dealers love our single point of contact for lower shipping costs, product consolidation & drop ship services. Manufacturers love our giant 120,000 square foot facility ready to ship thousands of individual orders each day with 100% accuracy for faster inventory turns and increased sales. In some cases, we act as the sole point of contact in the USA for certain manufacturers needing customized logistic & import solutions.


Besides our 300+ product lines, we also have an in-house fabrication shop for all of your custom needs like wallplates, panels, cable reels and custom cables. Punching, engraving, laser cutting and custom cables - we're your custom connection!


Broadcast, Pro-Audio, Corporate, Digital Signage, Education, Government, Healthcare, Home Theater, Home Builders, House of Worship, Bar & Restaurant, IT, Hospitality, Rental & Staging.


You will have your own Customer Relationship Manager handle every aspect of your account. Our e-commerce wholesale web site is updated daily and features a fast, one-page checkout.

In summary, Dealers love us because we keep it simple & very profitable since 1990. Manufacturers love us because we solve their problems by keeping the channel healthy & growing. Come join us today!

Please Note: TecNec Distributing does not sell to end-users, but only to Contractors, Resellers, Systems Integrators, VAR's, Dealers, Distributors & OEM's with pre-approved proper credentials.